Laura Gassner Otting is joining Lolita on this episode to talk being limitless.  Not only is she a #2 Best Selling Author by way of The Washington Post, but she is also a power speaker, author and a sought-after, power woman within organizations.  

At Minute 5.37, Laura tells Lolita of her Superpower
Minute 7.37 - Laura talks how to ignore everybody
Minute 9.0 - What does "lean in" mean to you? To Laura? To Lolita?
Minuate 12.29 - Lolita leaves 6 Considerations of how to DEMAND more
Minute 14.20 - Laura dives into two aspects of DEMAND

N - Next Up is Action - specifically around servant leadership
M -More doesn't mean more action

Minute 20.00 - What is "Wonder Hell"
Minute 23.00 - Laura's TEDx Journey
Minute 30.00 - Learning from Our Children
Minute 32.00 - Demanding more and being the Wizard of Speakin
Minute 45.14 - An Invitation to Lolita's Women's Weekend Renewal Reteat

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