"We all have the ability to make someon's life better and to serve." This was only one of the quotes from David Spisak in this episode of how to use your uncommon to power you.  

Have you ever felt uncommon but leaned more into the common to power you?  David challenges that theory, as he talks everything from his strengths vs superpowers, thinking differently, optimizing your income, and his soul goal to "empty his head before he isdead."

Lolita leaves you with 6 considerations of how to lean into your uncommon:

Challenge your thinking
Open your mind to endless possibilities
Make the most of your time
Move with connection and collaboration
Optimize your income
Next up is action

Show Breakdown:

Minute 2.05 - CC&C and About the Show
Minute 2.57 - Outline of the 6 considerations
Minute 8.21 - David Spisak
Minute 12.56 - David talks Strengths vs Superpowers
Minute 18.37 - Lolita talks her superpowers
Minute 19.50 - You are not different than the apps in your phone
Minute 32.37 - New Book Alert
Minute 43.30 - Paenting Tips according to David Spisak

Stay Connected to David


Stay Connected to Lolita
