For the past 18 months, this podcast was called The Real Pastors podcast. Real Pastors released monthly interviews with pastors and missionaries about their calling and their work.

Now that the podcast has been rebranded to Coaching Christian Leaders we will continue to interview those in ministry, especially pastors and missionaries. But we will add coaches and others in leadership.

In addition, I will feature coaching specific episodes.

So what you will hear in this episode is a monthly release under the heading of One Question Coaching. These One Question Coaching episodes will be short and to the point. My goal is to give you one action item to work on.

So here we go.

God has called you to lead. Whether a ministry or a business – God has called you to lead. Since that calling, you have worked hard and prayed. But now as you look back, as you evaluate the journey can you say your leadership, your ministry, or your business is where you thought it would be?

Here is a simple question to help you evaluate.

What is possible?

What is possible?  ... in your outreach .... in your financial support .... in your adult discipleship .... in your sales .... in your marketing?

Take time this month and determine what is possible

First, I want you to evaluate just one thing. Don’t try and evaluate the entire ministry or business. Don’t try and evaluate every aspect of your leadership. Just evaluate one part, one thing. Evaluate your online marketing...your adult discipleship .... how you do performance evaluations ... your ... Well, you get the idea. Just evaluate one thing. Pick one thing to evaluate. Second, do not evaluate what is – The present is not important. And do not evaluate what was – The past is not important. Only determine what is possible. Look into the future and answer the question What is Possible?

Spend some time on this. Think about it. Pray over it. Then write down all that is possible. Write down what it can be.

A few years back I evaluated our children’s outreach. I felt that we could reach even deeper into the community. I knew that there were kids and families in our community that we were not reaching.

So we mapped out some steps, made some changes, and now we are accomplishing just that. We are reaching more children for Christ.

Now I am in the process of evaluating Adult Discipleship. I know that we teach the Bible well. But the possibility I see in Adult Discipleship are deeper Christian relationships. So now I am mapping out steps to get us there.

Steps are the strategy that follows evaluation.  First, you determine what is possible. And second, you map out the strategy to get there.

Creating a strategy to get to the possible will take time and thought. It might even involve your team or another person, someone to help you develop the strategy. This is where a coach can assist.

If you need help with this evaluation and with the strategy, feel free to contact me. I would love to help you.

I currently offer complimentary 45-minute strategy sessions to my listeners. Just click HERE or go to schedule your session. 

God has called you to lead. The large part of your calling is to determine the possible and then map out the steps to get there.

Take this week to determine the possible. And then feel free to contact me. I would be honored to help you map out the next steps as you move forward in your leadership.