For the past 18 months, you have known this podcast as The Real Pastors Podcast. But now it is time to make a change. So I am rebranding the podcast. The podcast will now be called Coaching Christian Leaders.

Why are you doing this you ask?

There are a few reasons.

The title Real Pastors never explained what the podcast was about. When I picked the Real Pastors, I took the idea from Real Simple Magazine. Unfortunately, what works for a magazine does not work for a podcast. Another reason is that my guest list has broadened. In addition to the pastors and missionaries I normally interview, there will be Christian authors, counselors, and leaders sharing their knowledge. For example, our first guest for Coaching Christian Leaders is Dr. Sam Serio. Dr. Serio is the is the author of Sensitive Preaching to the Sexually Hurting. This is a great interview and I am honored that he will be on the show. Third, some new doors are opening for me. Real Pastors made it possible for me to begin coaching leaders. And so it is only fitting that this podcast includes coaching.

So what will be the new format? I will continue to interview guests who have a story or an expertise that will benefit you the listener.

I will also be releasing coaching specific episodes to help leaders move forward. This will include interviews with Christian coaches and also my own coaching tips.

Thanks to all the listeners who supported the Real Pastors Podcast these past 18 months. I look forward to further serving you through Coaching Christian Leaders.

I’ll see you soon.