Since summer isn't going out without a fight, we are going to drop our main tips and strategies for dealing with extreme heat and humidity. The topic has been swirling the web it seems, and we think we might know a thing or two about a thing or two on this one since we live and train in the armpit of the United States. That's not a jab at Memphis. We love our hometown. It's just hot AF here.

First we focus on our big 3 methods of preparing for a blazing inferno, and then we get on to actual racing and training strategies that can help while you are in the thick of it.

So if you are a cyclist, runner, or triathlete, and you want to perform well in the heat, you won't want to miss this one!

Shout Outs: Jessica Wang - 2nd AG Renaissance City Tri

Good Luck: Ironman Chattanooga and Ironman 70.3 Augusta Athletes

What The??? Lady who cheated in a half marathon, and then admitted to cheating 3 other times but cutting the course.