Today on the couch Coach D and Coach B-Fun talk about how and what to change about your environment in order to achieve your goals as an endurance athlete, or any goal in general. The first thing to know is that there are certain aspects of your environment that are easier or harder to change. We will focus on the easiest first and move to the harder aspects of changing your environment. The big 3 things here are: 1. Your Gear and Equipment 2. Your Habitat and Surroundings (Includes Your Peeps) 3. Your Habits and Routines (Yes, the hardest to change) With the three main methods of change we talk about how each one is utilized to increase your chances of achieving your goals in: 1. Consistency 2. Nutrition 3. Recovery We chose these areas because they are the most common areas people set goals...and forget about them. You're guaranteed to pull some good nuggets out of this one and smash your goals this year so join us, subscribe, and drop us a review when you knock out that next PR! Don't miss this week's shout outs: - Shayna, Akiva, Shmuel Somer - John Zinn - TrainingPeaks - And more!