What happens to things you chase..?

They RUN.

So, wouldn't you rather clients coming to you, so you don’t have to chase after them any more..?

See, one of the biggest problems you can have right now is people not signing up with you.

And it’s most likely because they are…


Most coaches and experts are trying to ‘lure’ potential client in with a free consultation (or similiar offer).

But, from your markets point of view… They don’t REALLY know what they are getting themselves into. And its scary.


“Why am I going to talk to this dude that I’ve only seen online?”

It’s a bit creepy at the end of day.

For example.  Many weight loss coaches are offering a “Free Weight Loss Consultation”.

So, when you actually have empathy and look at this from your markets point of view.  The offer you’re basing your business success on is vague, boring and lackluster.

This is where we can use this ‘1 sneaky marketing trick’ to have people coming to you.

And YES, this might sound too good to be true.

But, I’m writing this right now in Thailand inside our 6-to-7 Mastermind.  And Adam just got 86 leads in 24-hours off ONE social media post.

And it was all from what we call the session handle - this can be used for a lead magnet, a book, a free consultation… its simply getting someone to say, “YES i really want that”

So, let’s just take the Coaches Cartel for an example.

We offer our “$100K Strategy Session”.

This is where we do 2 things:

1 - We find out what’s missing, where your stuck and what the best plan and model is for you to add $100K to your bank account in the next 12 months

2 - We see if you’re a good fit to join… We kick you’re tyres, and you kick ours. If we both like what we see, then we can talk later about working together.

In 15 minutes we’re going to look at how at how your currently attracting leads, convening leads to clients and delivering your program…

...And put a 3 step plan so you can get more leads, more clients and more freedom.

This is the easiest, non-douche way of giving value first and making is crystal clear why this is a no brainer for you.

So, now it’s your turn.

What’s yours?


FREE:  Join the Fitness Business Success Circle to access the training guides and join the other coaches here - http://www.coachescartel.com/freegroup