Our topic for episode 1 is Growing a Thriving Coaching Culture: Introducing the Thrive Model for Sustainable Instructional Coaching. This episode shares an overview of the Thrive Model for Sustainable Instructional Coaching that will set the stage for all other episodes in this series.

Kim developed the Thrive Model after a decade of working with coaches and school leaders around the world. It brings together all of her own experience as an instructional coach, as well as the experiences of her clients, and all the expert guests she's interviewed on this podcast. 

We use this model to structure all of our courses for coaches, and in particular The Coach Certificate and Mentorship Program. You’ll get an overview of the model in this series, and how the three elements of Clarity, Consistency and Community can be used to develop and refine your individual coaching practice and your coaching program in your school. 

This series is designed to be an annual refresh of your coaching practice - even if you’ve heard some of the episodes before, every time you listen, when you reflect back on your growth over the last academic year, you’ll be able to take something new away to apply in your practice in the next academic year.

Download our free companion guide & workbook that aligns with this series at edurolearning.com/refresh