This #coachbetter episode is another in our series of coaching case studies, with one of Kim's amazing clients, Sasha Robbins. We're so excited to share this episode with Sasha with you, because Sasha and Kim have been working together since 2019! 

These case study episodes are designed to share the story of a coach, and the development of their coaching program and practice in their unique setting. 

Sasha is an instructional coach at Al-Bayan Bilingual School in Kuwait and recently, on a coaching call they were talking about how Sasha has been working to intentionally slow down her coaching conversations and the impact that is having on the quality of work she and her coaching partners are able to do. 

This is a powerful conversation about the ways that experienced coaches can deepen the work they do with their coaching partners. And it’s a strong demonstration of Sasha’s growth as an instructional coach over the time that we’ve been working together.

Find the show notes for this episode here.