Why reading The Secret isn't Enough to shift your mindset and create what you really want!

Sam Evans, Self-Sabotage Expert and NLP Coach, helps ambitious & driven women defeat self-sabotage and create a confident, empowered success mindset. 

In this illuminating episode, she talks through how her life used to be and how she would apply Law of Attraction relentlesssly - with no results!

She shares an intimate and honest jouney of what it took for her to breakthrough all her own self- sabotage - and how she didn't even know it was there!

This is the podcast for anyone  who wants to change  but just doesn't know HOW to make the mindset shifts and stop self-sabotaging! 

She talks through her 3 steps of Acknowledge, Accept and Surrender to really start to make the difference to your mindset and really start to shift. 

She talks about her own coaching jouney and the power of 'peeling the layers', how nobody is broken or needs fixing and how she's come through her own self-sabotage, why belief is the key and how she helps others to shed these layers of sabotage to really step into their power.