Release the fears and beliefs that have been holding you back!

When you reclaim the unique essence of who you truly are, you powerfully create a world and life that is an absolute expression of your true soul’s longing.

Sarah Ilaria  Northe is a transformational coach and trainer and helps people to reconnect with their inner child and her Inner Child Transformation Process is a powerful way to help clients ‘clean up’, peel back the layers and decide what they want to let go of and what they need to uncover in order to be truly themselves.

This process is particularly effective when healing needs to take place, when you have become stuck at the conscious level, when emotions appear to be trapped or your client has disconnected from their body, heart or soul as a coping strategy.

This process allows for direct communication with the unconscious and enables integration of the conscious and unconscious- aligning heart, mind, body and soul through love and compassion.

In this podcast we explore what some of this means and meet a truly wonderful person and coach!