Sarah Rose Bright is a pioneer as the UK's first certified sex, pleasure & intimacy coach and founder of Ignite your Sexuality and V-Life.

She has worked with hundreds of women and men to help empower them to awaken their true sexual nature and live their full potential.

In this no holds barred episode, we hear from Sarah about sexual empowerment, sexual energy, sex drive, what 'healthy' sexuality is, shame and guilt that can be held around sex and why, even now, people don't talk about sex openly and any problems in this area.

How can you be a good lover?
Why is sexual power important in your life and business?
Is it still taboo?

As coaches, we are all about goals but when sex becomes too 'goal based' it can lack intimacy and result in a lack of pleasure and joy. 

A great, open and candid interview about how you can really harness your sexual energy, build your sexual confidence and really discover for your own personal power and happiness - as well as bulding a fablous sex life! Enjoy!