Nothing like lessons repeating themselves so you can learn something ... over and over again, it's happening for me. This topic of Do Not Enter - I saw a sign in front of someone's driveway the other day and it got me thinking about not letting things into my head as far as negative thoughts. You see... at that time, I already did let some things slip in... had a rough day ... nothing out of a normal day - just that I had some self-doubts, negativity, etc. come into play and let me tell you - I could sure feel it. So I had to find a quick way to get rid of it. It carried over to today too as I was sick from the night before... little food poisoning possibly... so that did not help things.

Long story short (you can listen to the podcast) - my wife helped me out by accepting my apology. :-) Anyway... these 5 things to help guard our minds against negative thoughts... you gotta try these... at least 1 of them could help you out. I know I'm going to refer them (and others) to help me out. :-)