Fat Face Rick, “He Ain’t Weak, Thats The Starting Point!” That line in the Wire changed the way I approached coaching from that day forward. It all made sense when my young student Cliff sat up and looked me right in the eye and said, “It’s this gym Coach! It’s changed my life! I have taken the lessons I learnt with you here into all aspects of my life! At school, if the teacher wants us to read one chapter I do two, do 20 math equations I do 30. When my Mom wants me to do the dishwasher I finish it up, scrub the pots and sweep the floor after. Everything I do, I do more. Its becoming a way of life and Im seeing the results.” I know you are probably thinking this sounds like a Hallmark Sunday Movie but its true. That is why it has had such a big impact on me. I realize that we are all in one way or another at the starting point. Any challenge you take on puts you right back at the start. Knowing the outcome will be what you expect it to be along with some surprises along the way is motivating to say the least. Anything worth doing requires small steps fuelled with intention in the right direction over time to accomplish it. The process is the most important part. It is where the lessons and the ahh ha moments live. The fact that Cliff got in the best shape of his life, went on to play Division 1 golf and won championships was secondary to the lessons he learnt about hardwork, over delivering, dedication and overcoming obstacles. It's the starting point! Mark your calendars! The 2020 Coach Glass Mentorship is starting Sept 11th. This year it is all online and setting up to be the best one yet. More info? We have the 2020 Application on our homepage http://jasonglass.com/mentorship Wanna train like a Pro? Want to improve your athletic ability using neuromuscular training? Sign up for either my LoadXplode 16 Week or High TripleXity 8 Week Programs. Both programs are comprehensive online follow along training programs, ready to help take your game tot he next level. Simply go to http://jasonglasslab.com I want to give a special thanks to all the sponsors for their continued support of the show. K-Motion @kmotion3d http://k-motion.com has blown the doors off the baseball world with their Baseball Certification. Perform Better @performbetter http://performbetter.com use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands. MyTPI http://www.mytpi.com/certification/seminar-calendar for upcoming dates and event. Without them I wouldn’t be able to afford the time and produce the podcast to the level we do each and every week.