John Kessel is the Director of Sport Development for USA Volleyball. He also consults with many sports around the world including Major League Baseball teams.

John is knowledgeable in motor learning and the neuroscience of learning. In this episode he will challenge your views on how to run a practice. He says to minimize drills (if not completely do away with them) and to keep people active, no more lining up people to wait their turn. He talks about how to make learning more efficient.

Some notes:

How we learn faster: it is not about being the right way or wrong way, but about being more efficient.

Say what you mean, mean what you say, but do not be mean in saying it.

Principles first, methods second

Train game-like

Eliminate the words "try", "don't" and "but".

Put the player's name last when giving feedback

Below are some links mentioned in the talk.

John Kessel's Growing the Game blog

Gabriele Wulf OPTIMAL Learning work (full download available as of May 3, 2018)

Atul Gawande is a physician who has written several books and been on the Freakonomics podcast several times.

Train Ugly website

Backwards Bicycle TED Talk