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Clutter Free Academy

570 episodes - English - Latest episode: 19 days ago - ★★★★★ - 381 ratings

Have you always known you could change the world - if only you could find your car keys on the regular?
Clutter Free Academy is for you. If you want to live clutter free, organized and prepared for anything, this is to podcast you must listen to.
With practical ideas and tons of hope, humor and how-tos, host Kathi Lipp with teach you to live with Less Cutter, More Life.

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221 - Wendy Pope

October 09, 2016 16:00 - 15 minutes - 21.7 MB

220 - Cindy Beall

October 02, 2016 16:00 - 26 minutes - 36.9 MB

219 - Quiet Time

September 25, 2016 16:00 - 21 minutes - 29 MB

218 - A Different Beautiful with Courtney Westlake

September 19, 2016 05:30 - 17 minutes - 15.8 MB

How do you respond when someone looks different? Can you see the beauty in situations even when they are challenging? Today I talk with author, Courtney Westlake, about her journey with her daughter who was born with Harlequin Ichthyosisa a severe, life-threatening skin disorder which make her look very different from others. Listen as we talk about the beauty Courtney has found in life by being Brenna's mom and what it has taught her about true beauty. We have two copies of Courtney's B...

217 - 5 Habits of a Woman Who Doesn't Quit

September 12, 2016 05:30 - 16 minutes - 14.7 MB

Do you find yourself starting things, but not finishing them? Would you like to learn from someone who broke that habit and replaced it with other habits that help her finish strong? Today I talk with author Nicki Koziarz about her book 5 Habits of a Woman Who Doesn't Quit about not quitting including the five questions to ask yourself before quitting. Does Nicki's name sound familiar? That's because I did an awesome interview with her for the Husband Project. Be sure to listen to it her...

216 - The Basics of Canning with Melissa K. Norris

September 05, 2016 07:00 - 30 minutes - 27.6 MB

Does the idea of canning your own food scare you? What do you need? What CAN you can? Will I give someone botulism and kill them???? Today I talk with Melissa K. Norris, author of The Made from Scratch Kitchen, about how to get started with canning. We talk about which foods get canned using different methods, what the basic equipment needs are and did you know there is a difference between Pressure Cookers and Pressure Canners??? Melissa teaches us about all of these things and more! Let...

215 - Listener Question About Being Overwhelmed with Cheri Gregory

August 29, 2016 05:00 - 21 minutes - 20.1 MB

Have you been feeling like you can't get it all done? Are you overwhelmed? Kathi talks with Cheri Gregory, her co-author of their upcoming book Overwhelmed, to answer a listener's question. "Hi Kathi!  I found your blog via Cheri Gregory's blog.  I've been  enjoying (and hopefully learning) from your blog posts and podcasts. I've been looking at my stuff, my house, my responsibilities, my kids  etc lately and feeling like I am somewhat out of control.  The  physical stuff gen...

214 - Take Hold of the Faith You Long For with Sharon Jaynes

August 22, 2016 07:00 - 14 minutes - 13.6 MB

Do you ever feel "not good enough"?  Even as a Christian, you can know that all of your sins are forgiven, but still struggle with past mistakes or carry over feelings of inadequacy from life before becoming a Christian. How do we break the cycle of bad thoughts? In this episode, I talk with Sharon Jaynes, author of Take Hold of the Faith You Long For: Let Go, Move Forward, Live Bold who experienced these very same feelings. Listen and find practical tips and encouragement for your fai...

213 - Come with Me by Suzanne Eller

August 15, 2016 05:30 - 16 minutes - 14.7 MB

What would it be like to be one of the original disciples? To walk with them daily? If Jesus came to you and said, "Come with me?" what would you say? Well, Jesus does ask you to come with him daily. Author Suzanne Eller decided to do a Bible study where she went deep into the walks of the disciples and wrote her book Come with Me: Discovering the Beauty of Following Where He Leads and shares with us what she learned.

212 - Loving My Actual Life with Alex Kuykendall

August 08, 2016 05:30 - 18 minutes - 17 MB

Is your calendar too full? Do you get stressed about meal planning? Does social media become a time suck?  Living Clutter Free does not mean just dealing with the physical clutter, but also the emotional and spiritual.  Author Alex Kuykendall embarked on a nine month experiment to see how she could better her home life. Listen as she tells us about the little changes she made that created a BIG impact on her life.

207 - Sheila Wray Gregoire and The Ultimate Resource Guide for (trying to be) Awesome Wives

July 31, 2016 07:00 - 22 minutes - 20.5 MB

Did you think we would have The Husband Project and NOT talk about sex? Of course not. So I brought in our resident sex-pert, Sheila Wray Gregoire to share her wisdom. As the author of the book The Good Girl's Guide to Great Sex: (And You Thought Bad Girls Have All the Fun) and creator of the website To Love, Honor and Vacuum, Sheila has done the research and can answer the most commonly asked questions that I hear (and all the others that I DON'T hear.) So, put the earbuds in to listen ...

211 - The Made from Scratch Kitchen with Melissa K. Norris

July 31, 2016 05:00 - 28 minutes - 26.5 MB

Ever dreamed of being like Laura Ingalls Wilder, living off the land? Or at least being able to grow your own tomatoes without the squirrels getting them before you do? Today I talk with Melissa K. Norris, author of The Made from Scratch Kitchen, about living the pioneer life in modern times. Even if you are a city girl, she shares tips for gardening, cooking, and cleaning with wholesome ingredients that you can make today. Mentioned in this podcast: Melissa's podcast: Pioneering Tod...

210 - Breaking Up with Perfect with Amy Carroll

July 25, 2016 07:00 - 24 minutes - 22.6 MB

Are you striving and trying hard to do everything right? Is this beginning to hurt your relationships with friends, spouses, even God? Join me as I talk with Amy Carroll, author of Breaking Up with Perfect as we get real about how are different personality styles affect our ability to walk beside our friends during the ups and downs of life.

209 - Fawn Weaver and The Ultimate Resource Guide for (trying to be) Awesome Wives

July 17, 2016 07:30 - 22 minutes - 20.8 MB

Having trouble with the Husband Project when you're not in the best place in your marriage? You are not alone. It's hard to talk about, but some marriages are difficult and you may be doing the Husband Project Online Bible Study with Proverbs 31 Ministries, but your heart is just not in it. In this episode, I talk with Fawn Weaver who has interviewed over 110 couples around the world to see what common threads could be found in strong, happy marriages. What she found is surprisingly empo...

208 - Dineen Miller and Lynn Donovan and The Ultimate Resource Guide for (trying to be) Awesome Wives

July 10, 2016 07:00 - 19 minutes - 17.9 MB

Are you married to a non-Christian? Do you have friends that are?  For the Husband Project, I really want women to see God active in their marriages whether they have a pre-believing spouse or a believing spouse. That is why I am speaking with Dineen Miller and Lynn Donovan who co-wrote the book Winning Him Without Words: 10 Keys to Thriving in Your Spiritually Mismatched Marriage and host the website Spiritually Unequal Marriage. In this episode we will gain wisdom of what we can do for...

206 - Nicki Koziarz and The Ultimate Resource Guide for (trying to be) Awesome Wives

June 26, 2016 07:00 - 23 minutes - 21.5 MB

Aren't things fun and excited when they are new? Then, after a while, the excitement wears off and you want to quit? You may be feeling that way about The Husband Project and that's O.K. But before you do, listen to this podcast. In this episode, I speak with Nicki Koziarz from Proverbs 31 Ministries who even admits that the project had its challenges, but as the author of 5 Habits of a Woman Who Doesn't Quit, Nicki knows the key to getting past her feelings to the reward of reaping what s...

205 - Shaunti Feldhahn and The Ultimate Resource Guide for (trying to be) Awesome Wives

June 19, 2016 07:00 - 19 minutes - 17.9 MB

Do you realize the power you have as a wife to change the way your husband walks through this world? How much care and confidence you can give him? Intimacy is much more than a physical act in your relationship with your husband. For him, it is also emotional. As we prepare for Proverbs 31 Ministries Online Bible Study of The Husband Project, Erin and I talk with the author of Through a Man's Eyes: Helping Women Understand the Visual Nature of Men, Shaunti Feldhahn, in order to better un...

204 - REPLAY-Kicking Off The Husband Project with Melissa Taylor at Proverbs 31 Ministries

June 15, 2016 02:35 - 19 minutes - 17.7 MB

Are your ready to get intentional about your marriage? In case you missed it! This episode introduces you to how The Husband Project became Proverbs 31 Ministries latest Online Bible Study. We are so excited to team up with Proverbs 31 Ministries as they feature our very own The Husband Project for their Online Bible Study June 20-July 22. In this episode I introduce you to Melissa Taylor, Director of Online Bible Studies at Proverbs 31 Ministries. We discuss the upcoming study and the G...

203 - The Husband Project from a Husband's Point of View

June 06, 2016 07:00 - 19 minutes - 18 MB

What will your husband think of the The Husband Project? Will he even notice? Will it make a difference? I interview an expert on being on the receiving end of The Husband Project, my husband Roger Lipp!!! Since we are taking part in Proverbs 31 Ministries Online Bible Study and our husbands aren't supposed to know we are doing these small projects, I am asking someone in the know to help us see the project from a husband's point of view.

202 - The Reluctant Wife and the Husband Project with Cheri Gregory

May 30, 2016 07:00 - 23 minutes - 21.4 MB

Still haven't signed up for The Husband Project Online Bible Study with Proverbs 31 Ministries? Too tired? Tired of working on your marriage and not seeing a difference?  You are not alone...... but before giving up on the idea of joining us on The Husband Project, listen to my conversation with Cheri Gregory. We cover everything from the Chewbacca Mom video to real objections Cheri had about joining Online Bible Study. You'll laugh, I promise. Mentioned in the podcast: The Highly S...

201 - Kicking Off The Husband Project with Melissa Taylor at Proverbs 31 Ministries

May 23, 2016 17:47 - 19 minutes - 17.7 MB

Are your ready to get intentional about your marriage? We are so excited to team up with Proverbs 31 Ministries as they feature our very own The Husband Project for their Online Bible Study June 20-July 22 In this episode I introduce you to Melissa Taylor, Director of Online Bible Studies at Proverbs 31 Ministries. See how God surprises us with how his plans come together.

200 - Asking for Prayer (without Feeling Like a Burden) with Renee Swope

May 16, 2016 05:00 - 21 minutes - 19.3 MB

Is it hard for you to reach out for prayer? Do you feel guilty or like you are being a burden? I took some time to talk with my good friend, Renee Swope and ask her about a blog post she wrote about asking for prayer called, “I hate to be a burden.”  She shares why we fear asking for prayer, what we are missing out on by not asking, and what baby steps we can take in order to ask without feeling like a burden.

199 - Six Chicks Freeze and Fix, Making and Freezing Meals for a Decluttered Dinner

May 09, 2016 07:00 - 19 minutes - 17.8 MB

Wouldn't it be great to come home from a busy day and know that dinner is already planned and prepped?  With a little work ahead of time, meals can be A LOT easier and less stressful. Kathi and Erin talk about delicious meals and easy ways to have a freezer full of meals ready to go.  

198 - Breaking Busy with Alli Worthington

May 02, 2016 07:00 - 17 minutes - 16.3 MB

Do you feel crazy busy or busy and fulfilled?  Most of us say yes to way too many things and then we find ourselves burnt out and frazzled. There are many factors to take into consideration before saying yes to an opportunity. In this episode Erin and I talk with Alli Worthington, author of Breaking Busy: How to Find Peace and Purpose in a World of Crazy, to help us keep our calendar decluttered.

197 - Extreme Hospitality

April 25, 2016 19:00 - 18 minutes - 16.5 MB

If someone suddenly needed a place to stay, whether it be a natural disaster or a family "situation," would you be ready to take them in? It's actually a lot simpler than it sounds. Listen as Erin and I discuss the few necessities you can have on hand in case Extreme Hospitality is at your door.   Mentioned in the episode: Twisting Jewelry   

196 - How to Cozy Up Your House

April 18, 2016 07:00 - 21 minutes - 19.9 MB

Want to Cozy Up Your House to make it more inviting? Erin and I discuss and share easy and non-fussy ways to make your home a place where people will be comfortable and want to gather together. It doesn't have to be expensive or perfect. In fact, people are more comfortable with the opposite! Listen and get ideas about topics from furniture to food choices and how you can do it all without breaking the bank!

195 - Dealing with Cluttered Emotions with Michele Cushatt

April 12, 2016 04:04 - 27 minutes - 25 MB

Do you experience insecurity, fear, worry, anxiety, shame, regret? These are just a few examples of cluttered emotions. You might not know they are at the root of keeping you from living out exactly what you were called to do. So how do we overcome cluttered emotions? Listen as I talk with author and speaker, Michele Cushatt, as she shares wisdom and simple ways to reframe what we think in order to deal with cluttered emotions.

194 - Creating a Quiet Time Space

April 04, 2016 07:00 - 13 minutes - 12.8 MB

We all face challenges to get our Quiet Time in each day and we feel un-Christian that we struggle in this area, but what if we could set ourselves up for success ahead of time? What if the key was to declutter a quiet time space so it was an inviting place to go to each day already prepared with the tools we need? Creating a routine is so important because when you do that you are telling your brain, your heart, your mind, your body it’s time to settle and focus on my quiet time. It’s tim...

193 - Process, Product, People-Lessons Learned from The Profit

March 28, 2016 07:00 - 34 minutes - 31.5 MB

Can we learn lessons about business from watching TV? We can when it's The Profit with Marcus Lemonis! This episode is a special roundtable discussion with guests author Cheri Gregory, husband and ministry supporter Roger Lipp, and literary agent Rachelle Gardner. Listen and learn why each person likes the show, which episodes are their favorites, and what big lessons they have learned to apply to their own business. 

192 - Rediscovering Your Creativity

March 23, 2016 19:17 - 20 minutes - 19.1 MB

Before jobs, responsibilities, and children came along, we had creativity. Somehow along the way, we lost it. Now there’s a lot of pressure for us to PRODUCE, but not to produce our creativeness. How do we get that back? Today I talk with Erin about rediscovering your creativity.

191 - Overwhelming Situations with Cheri Gregory

March 14, 2016 07:00 - 23 minutes - 21.9 MB

How do we deal with other people's clutter? What if it's your parents' clutter? And what if you are living in their house...... for free? One listener asked me for advice on a very overwhelming situation so I brought my wonderful co-author, Cheri Gregory, to weigh in.  Turns out, there is a lot to consider when facing a situation like this. What questions do you ask yourself? What questions do you ask your parents? In the end, there are important conversations we all need to have in or...

190 - How to Be More Productive with Roger Lipp

March 07, 2016 08:00 - 17 minutes - 16.1 MB

Feeling overwhelmed with all you have to do? Do you have ideas and projects but feel like you are juggling all the plates in the air and can't get a grip on what you have done and what needs to be done next? I just happen to know one of the best personal resources for being productive:  my talented and productive husband, Roger Lipp!! Listen as we talk about the three key components to getting and staying productive. We'll learn crazy technical terms like Kanban, Scrum, and Pullback Plan...

189 - Creating Your Own Creative Space

February 29, 2016 08:00 - 22 minutes - 20.4 MB

Want to get things done and yet don't know where to start? Can you find your desk under all your piles? Today we talk about my process of creating your own creative space. A place where your creativity has room to flourish.

188 - Undone Life Together with Michele Cushatt

February 21, 2016 08:00 - 24 minutes - 22.3 MB

Michele Chushatt-Undone Life Together All of us end up with a life that doesn’t look quite like we imagined it would look. What do we do when we wake up someday and we’ve got this life we don’t recognize?

187 - 5 Steps To Clutter Free Sleep

February 16, 2016 05:01 - 15 minutes - 21.9 MB

186 - 101 Simple Ways to Show Your Husband You Love Him Days 6-10

February 08, 2016 05:30 - 11 minutes - 10.3 MB

Showing love doesn't have to be take a lot of time! In fact, you can use simple ways to show your husband you love him and we are here to show you how. Kathi's new book 101 Simple Ways to Show Your Husband You Love Him is now available! In this podcast, she and Erin discuss the second five days of the 10 Days of Love for Your Man challenge. It's the perfect time to refocus on your man as we celebrate Valentine's Day. You'll love the simplicity of the ideas as well as the impact they can ...

185 - 101 Simple Ways to Show Your Husband Your Husband You Love Him

February 01, 2016 08:00 - 17 minutes - 15.9 MB

Showing love doesn't have to be complicated! In fact, you can use simple ways to show your husband you love him and we are here to show you how! Coming soon is a book by Kathi and her friends about 101 Simple Ways to Show Your Husband You Love Him. In this podcast, she and Erin discuss the first five days of 10 Days of Love where you can do something simple each day to love on your man. We have a beautiful download that you can print out and have as a reminder of these great ideas.

184 - Ideas to Keep You Motivated to Stay Clutter Free

January 25, 2016 08:00 - 16 minutes - 15.3 MB

Ideas to Keep You Motivated to Stay Clutter Free. As January is coming to an end, most resolutions start to fall apart because the novelty wears off. We won't let your motivation to be Clutter Free slip away! Decluttering isn’t a two week process (that’s just the Kickstart) this is something you have to do for the rest of your life and we have to stay motivated and figure out how we are going to do this! Listen as Kathi and Erin discuss Ideas to Keep You Motivated to Stay Clutter Free ...

183 - Clutter Free Kids

January 18, 2016 08:00 - 17 minutes - 15.6 MB

Sometimes the cutest things become our biggest challenge when getting Clutter Free and those would be our not so Clutter Free Kids. Today we share real life strategies that we can use with our children to not only help us kick clutter our of our homes, but will also give our children the strategies they will need to live a Clutter Free life when they leave our nest. Don't forget that it's not too late to join us for the Kickstart to Clutter Free e-course!

182 - It's Not Too Late! Kickstart to Clutter Free

January 11, 2016 08:00 - 14 minutes - 13.5 MB

What counts as a thing when counting what is going out? What do you do when guests leave their clutter at your house? What about our kids’ clutter? What do you do when you no longer can use something, but it’s so good that you want to find just the right home for it?   Download of 50 things to give away today!

181 - Kick Off to Kickstart to Clutter Free

December 29, 2015 06:45 - 5 minutes - 4.63 MB

Kick Off your New Year with the Kickstart to Clutter Free E-course! Success is greater when you have the help of direct instruction and a support system of others who are doing a program with you. Join us as we take on the challenge of 14 days, 500 things, no mercy! You will receive: Daily Instructional Videos Daily Assignment Downloads Downloadable Tools And you will have amazing results in 15 minutes a day!  

180 - Cleaning Up Christmas

December 22, 2015 06:34 - 7 minutes - 6.91 MB

Want to get a head start on next year's Christmas? What we do with Cleaning Up Christmas now will set us up for next year's success! Listen as Kathi gives ideas on how to be prepared for unwrapping next year's Christmas.

179 - 10 Great Clutter Free Gift Ideas for Everyone On Your List

December 14, 2015 08:00 - 13 minutes - 12.5 MB

10 Great Clutter Free Christmas Gift Ideas for Everyone On Your List. What are Clutter Free Christmas gifts? You know, things that won't get used. "Shelf-Sitters" that collect dust and take up space with no purpose. In this episode Kathi talks about 10 Great Christmas Christmas Gift Ideas that people will use and love.

178 - Taming Your To Do List, Christmas Edition with Glynnis Whitwer

December 07, 2015 08:00 - 22 minutes - 20.4 MB

You asked the questions about Taming Your To Do List, Christmas and we've got your answers! How do we make sure we don't forget to get gifts for all the people who matter to us? How do we get all the gifts without going broke OR crazy? How do we deal with all that goes into Christmas cards??? Plus other listener questions. Kathi and Glynnis discuss how to handle the overwhelmed to do list of Christmas.

177 - Get Yourself Organized for Christmas - Part 3

December 01, 2015 05:50 - 13 minutes - 12 MB

176 - Get Yourself Organized for Christmas - Part 2

November 24, 2015 03:17 - 8 minutes - 7.85 MB

175 - Get Yourself Organized for Christmas - Part 1

November 17, 2015 05:05 - 11 minutes - 10.8 MB

174 - Questions About Love, Sex, and Intimacy with Juli Slattery

November 02, 2015 08:00 - 20 minutes - 18.8 MB

Sex, Love, and Intimacy.... It's a part of our lives and yet, no one wants to talk about it. I mean REALLY talk about it. Even as adults, we have questions we are afraid to ask. Kathi and Erin talk with author Juli Slattery about her book 25 Questions You're Afraid to Ask About Love, Sex, and Intimacy to get to the heart of the questions to ask yourselves about godly sex.

173 - Taming the To-Do List with Glynnis Whitwer

October 26, 2015 04:00 - 29 minutes - 27.2 MB

Got too much to do and not enough time in the day? Does procrastination keep you from doing what you really want to get done? Does it seem that what you were once able accomplish now seems like a huge struggle? You are NOT alone! Our current technology makes getting things done very different from how things worked when we were growing up. Add kids to the mix and we all find ourselves wondering how anything gets done! Listen as Kathi and Erin ask author, Glynnis Whitwer, questions ab...

172 - Hands Free Life with Rachel Stafford

October 19, 2015 07:00 - 19 minutes - 17.8 MB

With all of the distractions in our lives, how do we live in order to create meaningful relationships with our children? Where does our time with work, technology, and household duties fit in with the little people in our lives? And how to we communicate with our children in order to build their trust? Kathi and Erin talk with Hands Free Mama, Rachel Stafford, about Hands Free Life: Nine Habits for Overcoming Distraction, Living Better, and Loving More.