This episode is a subject NOT near and dear to all our hearts - but one that can be addressed in a painless way!  No, not talking about going to the dentist, rather setting up your parent's Estate Plan. This topic is not just for the rich anymore, this is for everyone. 

My guest, Alan Press, Estate Planning/Elder Law Attorney discusses why it's so important to make sure your parents have all their bases covered with their wishes. I've broken down my interview with Alan into 2 parts. In Part I, Alan talks about:

How to start the process with your parents (which is 99% of the battle).  What to expect in the first meeting with your attorney.  What do all these terms/acronyms mean so laymen can understand (POA, Wills, Guardian, Executor). Listen to Alan's very practical advice on making sure we are helping our parents plan in the best possible way. 

Check out Alan Press' website at: