Be honest. Do we ever stop and consider what our kids think about when they see their parents being squeezed between the 2 generations?  How do we really sound to them when we’re mega stressed and lose it? Do we even want to know. I finally found out directly from the source – Tatiana, a 14 year old daughter who is living through the stresses of her mom (Nevenka) taking care of both her elderly, ill parents while raising 2 kids.  You might not think kids are absorbing it all, but, oh they are.  Tatiana offers such a sweet perspective of being the bottom slice of the Sandwich Generation. Sit back and keep an open mind while Tatiana gives us her perspective. 

And, take it from me, listen to Tatiana’s mom’s episode, “It’s Always Something” before or after listening to this episode. It will put the whole crazy puzzle together for you.  Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for the after shocks of Nevenka and Tatiana listening to their respective episodes!