What does your personal brand say about you? Do you own your name on the internet? 
Have you ever wondered how you can create your own personal brand and stand out from the crowd like all of those influencers and experts you follow on social media do?!
You may have heard of end to end brand management but what is that and how can we use it in our businesses?  
Did you know there are three different types of content you can produce? What % of your content should be in which bucket?  
What about social media platforms? There are so many out there today, should be repurpose the same content across all platforms? How often should we be posting to each platform? How is LinkedIn different from Facebook?  
We cover SO MUCH in this podcast! We are excited to introduce all of your to personal brand expert Paige Velasquez Budde!

What does your personal brand say about you? Do you own your name on the internet? 


Have you ever wondered how you can create your own personal brand and stand out from the crowd like all of those influencers and experts you follow on social media do?!


You may have heard of end to end brand management but what is that and how can we use it in our businesses?  


Did you know there are three different types of content you can produce? What % of your content should be in which bucket?  


What about social media platforms? There are so many out there today, should be repurpose the same content across all platforms? How often should we be posting to each platform? How is LinkedIn different from Facebook?  


We cover SO MUCH in this podcast! We are excited to introduce all of your to personal brand expert Paige Velasquez Budde!