Well this is a special one… Join Em and her fabulous other half – that is right Em is interviewing her partner the brilliant Alana – we chat all things Love.. (I know!!) and Love in the context of her work as an artist and her new play plus our love we have – we giggle a lot, we chat a lot and I know you will love it. I truly hope this episode makes your heart happy

Please support the play here:https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/6-words-for-love?

Tickets for the Play: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-greeks-have-6-words-for-love-by-mmaj-productions-tickets-731748147407

Follow Alana:

Instagram: @alanajelinek / @MMAJproductions

LinkedIn: Alana Jelinek 

Website: www.alanajelinek.com

About Alana Jelinek:

Alana is an Artist with exhibitions across Europe, Australia, Thailand, Japan, Russia, Ukraine. 

She has an inter- and multi-disciplinary practice, often collaborating with virologists, anthropologists, archaeologists and engineers, as well as other artists. 

In addition to painting, Alana writes novels, plays, makes installations and creates collaborative, participatory, site-specific interventions.

Her PhD was in 'Art as a Democratic Act', which forms the basis of the books she writes about the role and value of art in society.