Join Em this week in a special edition.  Em has written a book Lessons From a Clown and this week she is being interviewed by her book person Patti M Hall.  In this weeks episode we talk everything about how Em found her writers voice, what that even means, how was the process of working with a book person and so much more.  Listen in if you are curious to know what goes on behind the scenes of writing a book and if you are curious to discover how you can over come the most challenging beliefs you have about yourself.

Book can be found here:

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About Patti Hall:

Patti M Hall is a writer, collaborator, and book coach.

Patti’s book building specialties are memoir and message-drive non-fiction. She has shepherded two dozen book projects to publication with both traditional publishers and self-directed circulation tools. She has extensive experience with authors and titles focusing on personal transformation.

Patti is the author of a memoir, Loving Large released in 2020.

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