Iain Dale is one of the UK’s most well-connected and influential broadcasters and writers. He has a reputation for securing big name interviews for his LBC radio show and is regularly invited on to other networks to offer his analysis on Brexit and other political issues. He’s also a regular panelist on CNN Talk where he takes on the big international talking points of the day. Here, he talks to Max Foster about success, opting out of farming and his lingering fear of ‘being found out.’

Iain Dale is one of the UK’s most influential and well-connected political broadcasters and writers. He has a reputation for securing big name interviews for his LBC radio show and is regularly requested by other networks for his expert commentary on Brexit and other current issues. He’s also regular panelist on CNN Talk.

Here, he talks to Max Foster about success, opting out of farming and his lingering fears of ‘being found out.’

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