Welcome to today's Cloud Based Real Estate Brokerage TOPOS & TALK #6- I have so many things going through my head every day about Real Estate that I just want to get it all out. I get asked so many questions about real estate every day. And, coach so many agents that it's time to answer all of those in depth questions while I sip on my Topo Chico.

In today’s episode I do a deep dive into Real Estate Marketers can be fraud. People's perception of video marketing and what the reality and truths are. I was getting into real estate in 2017, I remember everyone said that I need to do video. So the natural thing for most agents to do is because they're told to rip off and duplicate is do video. They do video and they're looking at all the top producing agents. They're looking at all the agents that have all the lime lights that are already doing video marketing. And if you ask any one of those agents like I did when I was early in my career, I asked how much business do you actually get from your videos? Almost all of them said none. I asked them why they are still doing it. Their answers are all nonsense for me, they are doing it because everyone's saying it. I think one of the things we're agents really missed on this specific piece, is that If you're going to put videos in those types of things out there is you got to think about who you're consumer are. A lot of agents think that their consumers are buyers and sellers. We all want to attract those people, but if you talk to anyone doing video. It isn't the right way. What consumers were looking for is they are searching for information.

Another one is a lot of these agents will put their freaking listings on YouTube. Listing video is the dumbest thing on the planet. You can do it, but don't list it. That's just killing your YouTube channel. If you're already doing it and you have to think where do people go to look for listings they go to, they go to Zillow, Redfin, the MLS. That's the reality. You're never going to change the consumer's mind. These companies have so much power in the space that if you think you're going to change the minds of the consumers you better have billions of dollars. so once we really started figuring out that specific matrix of exactly what consumers were looking for and started making that content. You need to finish this till the end for more exciting details!

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