Welcome to today's Cloud Based Real Estate Brokerage TOPOS & TALK #5- I have so many things going through my head every day about Real Estate that I just want to get it all out. I get asked so many questions about real estate every day. And, coach so many agents that it's time to answer all of those in depth questions while I sip on my Topo Chico.

In today’s episode I do a deep dive into WHY DO NEW REAL ESTATE AGENTS ALWAYS WANT TO MAKE 6 FIGURES. I always got a question about How much money should a real estate agent really be making? This question is from somebody who is thinking getting into real estate. He heard so much from different people and really can't get a straight answer. I'm here to give him answer, at first I needed to asked him questions, like what? "What do you think you wanna make? And how do you suggest you're gonna get there? And what's your idea and what your thought process behind? What real estate is you know?"

 I have shared a little analytics with him ang my experience from when I was starting my career in real estate. I never expected that much of money at first. I was happy with $100,000 a year. But you know when you're a real estate agent, you pay taxes on earned income. Let's say you earned $150k just like a normal employee, you're going to pay $45K in taxes, so that takes you automatically down to $105k. Now if you're doing one listing a month, you're going to have to pay a transaction coordinator if you're having them to your transactions, you're going to the, you know, pay for some closing gifts. Let's just say on the buyer side, you're going to pay about 1000 bucks. That's going to include your closing. And the list goes on and on. You will earn and spend a lot. But in real estate what we all love to do is we love to start selling real estate. And then we're the one person that does 500 different tasks. And then you know we some agents will take all of their commissions. And treat it as if that's all their money. They don't spend it on reinvesting in the business. Dramatically speaking, there's a lot to hear from this episode!

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