Welcome to today's Cloud Based Real Estate Brokerage TOPOS & TALK #24- I have so many things going through my head every day about Real Estate that I just want to get it all out. I get asked so many questions about real estate every day. And, coach so many agents that it's time to answer all of those in depth questions while I sip on my Topo Chico.

In today’s episode I do a deep dive into  Content For Realtors is a lot Fakeness. This episode has a cool insights from one Channel Junkies owner Ryan Strong. We were both reading an article where it talked about how many, what percentage of people use certain platforms and how many of those percentage of the users like use YouTube. How many of them use TikTok? How many of them use Facebook and how many people on Facebook use? TikTok? How many Facebook users use Instagram and it's like the the relevance or the cross pollination is almost 80% and above almost on every platform between like Instagram and Facebook. If you're going to repurpose your content, it needs to be different. You know all the time you hear people saying you need to repurpose the same content and put it on. Every platform will unfortunately that's not the way it works because there's people that have 100,000 followers on Instagram and they can't get traction on any other platform. They can't figure out why, and the same thing goes on to every other platform. But the most interesting thing that I've found in the last couple weeks is we've been making a valid effort to talk to big. The biggest influencers in each person's space. So whether it's Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, you name it. 

 Last week we were able to talk to one of the number one, actually, the top two tech talk influencers it's self proclaimed Tom Ferry proclaimed. And one of them told us that his total sales from Tiktok and Instagram last year was $5 million. Literally, these people are put up on stages. They look like they're blowing the roofs off of their industry game. Changing people are spending thousands of dollars on TikTok. Coaches and TikTok programs and Instagram coaches and all these things somebody tells me that they sold $5,000,000. There is a lot of these people out there, it's all driven by social media and all of these coaches and marketers that just want you to buy their things. It takes someone like Tom Ferry. He's probably the easiest target where he takes his students. He puts him on the stages. He makes them look like the self proclaimed video agent of the year or the number one Instagram agent or the number one TikTok agent. And what does it do? It makes him look better because he's the one that's putting up on stage. They say they learned it through his program. Of course they're not going to say they're not really doing that because they want the clout. It's all ego. You have to be shooting the right kind of content. Finding the right titles using the right thumbnails and making sure that you're hooking the people using your call to action all that fun stuff. If you don't follow Jackson at the Channel Junkies, on his podcast, or his YouTube channel, you're definitely missing the boat.

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