Welcome to today's Cloud Based Real Estate Brokerage TOPOS & TALK #17- I have so many things going through my head every day about Real Estate that I just want to get it all out. I get asked so many questions about real estate every day. And, coach so many agents that it's time to answer all of those in depth questions while I sip on my Topo Chico.

In today’s episode I do a deep dive into Dream Crushers are real. You know that I always talked to agents about eXp Realty making a moves growing their business. Have you ever done any sort of Enneagram style personalist testing or Lemon leadership? I have my result on the enneagram scale, I'm a three, which means I'm an entrepreneur. There are 9 enneagram styles in my wing which means my secondary is a 2, which is a caregiver. While on Lemon, which stands as L means luminary ,E is for entrepreneur, O is organizer and N is the networker. I scored extremely high on the L for luminary. And then my second item, which is actually really close to my number one is tied so number two and three are almost identical and it's manager. An organizer. It's the rarest form of lemon that you could ever have. What it means, is that I am able to create and have a lot of great ideas. But I also am great at creating systems and processes then I'm also going to executing which is super rare.

I have a very rare skill set that allows me to do both, there's certain things I love and certain things I don't love to do, I talk to so many agents and you know, I always want to hear where they're at, where they want to go and how they plan on getting there. One of the biggest obstacle that I see with agents is their own self. I just hear so many different things If you were to I was talking to someone tonight and I was saying if you were looking for the successful team owners, Solo agents partners all those things you could literally put everybody based on their production in a straight line from zero to billions, and you could build the most clear pathway to success. It is you could recreate it over and over and over again. I have an example of a girl who at first didn't like eXp at all and when she discovered my video about the right sponsor, that caused her to reach out to us and she did. While telling me that she felt like now she was in a position where she was ready to take a look at Exp again and possibly make the move that she needed 1-2 weeks to make that decision but still one of her biggest holdups was the virtual world. The Virtual XP world because she couldn't understand. Talking to another person with an avatar? She said that she wants to be able to pick up the phone and call somebody and have a conversation on the phone. Doesn't matter where you're at, what you're doing. The only thing I'll say is make sure you're out there discovering the truth for what you think it is, and don't let anyone else dictate to you what your truth is, and that goes for everything, brokerages life mindset, sports teams. You know gossip is the killer of dreams. A lot of people love to kill dreams for other people because they're unwilling to take the sacrifice and the risk to make their lives better. So don't let people crush your dreams. 


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