Hearing objections in a sales call is expected. Having to wrestle and wade through them is undoubtedly challenging. But what if there is a way for you to crush through objections before they even show up?


A case that’s easy to break down is a case that hasn’t even been built yet! That’s why in this episode, Matthew Ryder and I discuss how you can sharpen your sales claws to diffuse any objection that comes your way (before they even do so).


Unless you don’t want to improve the way you do sales and make your life easier, make sure not to miss this episode for tons of valuable insights and information.


In this episode, we cover:


Introduction [00:00] How Jeremy’s NEPQ framework help sales professionals transform their sales processes [01:17] The psychological power of memes [04:01] What makes the Sales Revolution Facebook group a winner for salespeople [06:01] How Jeremy became a household name in just 25 minutes [08:33] Knowing which salesperson is worth their salt [11:01] Cold calling is fun if you know how to play the game [15:52] What messy sales processes can do to your business [17:18] Killing it with the NEPQ framework [19:06] Relentless and continuous honing of the sales process to ensure quality calls [21:38]

If you're looking to take your sales to the 7th level, book a “Clarity Call” below and let’s see if you're a good fit for our sales training program! 👇🏼📞




About Jeremy Miner and Matthew Ryder:


Jeremy Miner, Chairman at 7th Level, is an internationally recognized sales trainer who has taught thousands of people how to go from just getting average results in selling to becoming a high 6 figure and even 7-figure sales earner and be viewed as the "Trusted Authority" in their market.


Over the years, Jeremy has been asked by thousands of salespeople to train them on how to eliminate rejection, how to connect with their prospects, how to cold-call, how to overcome their prospects objections/concerns, and finally—how to close more sales without being a pushy, sleazy, disrespected salesperson. 7th Level Communications was created to take any salesperson, no matter their experience, from wherever they're in selling to getting them to a High 6 Figure and even 7-figure annual income in sales.


Visit https://7thlevelhq.com for his latest blogs, news, tips, training.


Matthew Ryders, an ex-special force turned salesman, Chief Executive Officer at Sales Sniper Consulting, and Chief Executive Officer at 7th Level, co-host of the “Closers are Losers” podcast, has been selling pretty much full-time for about 12 years. He spent the last few years selling full-time as a commission-only sales rep and has achieved the rare feat of making seven figures in commissions, averaging close to one million every month in contract value! 


Connect with Us:


Connect with Jeremy Miner on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jeremy.miner.52

Follow Jeremy Miner on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jeremyleeminer/

Connect with Jeremy Miner on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeremyleeminer/

Connect with Matthew Ryder on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matt-ryder-3b0a811b0/

Connect with Matthew Ryder on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/matt.ryderSS


About 7th Level:


Our vision is to transform sales teams by completely disrupting selling and the traditional sales training space with the New Model of Selling. Our mission is to generate significant and sustainable increases in your business' performance, sales, and revenue. Check out the company website here: https://7thlevelhq.com/company/

Where to Listen:


Libsyn: https://closersarelosers.libsyn.com/

iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/closers-are-losers-with-jeremy-miner/id1534365100

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2kNDyUR7fz9SqBr9iGwfwV?si=uMhsOBP4S_SBaHqAFp4EGg

Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/show/closers-are-losers-with-jeremy-miner

Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/u/1/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9jbG9zZXJzYXJlbG9zZXJzLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz

Listen Notes: https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/closers-are-losers-with-jeremy-miner-jeremy-9LOxV7Huf_Q/ Pod.casts: https://pod.casts.io/podcasts/closers-are-losers-with-jeremy-miner

Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/en/show/1833012


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