What are zero-emission zones?

A zero-emission zone (ZEZ) is a designated area where only zero-emission vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists are permitted unrestricted access. Other vehicles are not permitted entrance, or must pay a fee to enter. Some ZEZs permit hybrid electric vehicles to enter, and these zones are referred to as “near-ZEZs”. Due to freight transportation’s outsize impact on carbon emissions, several cities have chosen to establish zero-emission zones exclusively focused on freight transport. 

Several dozen cities around the world, most of them in Europe, have implemented or announced plans to establish zero-emission zones. The United States is yet to implement a ZEZ. Global ZEZ development occurs in the context of a rapid increase in electric vehicles on city streets. Increased electric vehicle sales enable the establishment of ZEZs, which, in turn, incentivize electric vehicle ownership. 

How to establish a ZEZ? What are some possible obstacles to establishing zero-emission zones?

Legal/PoliticalLack of political acceptance due to fears of public reactionsBureaucratic/slow decision makingPrivacy concerns regarding street sensors and cameras, enabling occupancy control and street chargingFinancialNeeds large-scale investment in EVs and EV infrastructureIncremental long-term vs immediate short term improvement impacts budget considerationsHow to account for a wide range of stakeholders with competing financial interestsTechnologicalPutting in sensors and street cameras at scaleCreating convenient apps and platforms Open-source data and data platforms (ie data on traffic flow)OtherSupport from local communitiesWhat happens to those that cannot afford electric vehicles?How to scale up, ie from a single street to an entire section of a city

Who is Arjan Oranje?

Arjan Oranje is program manager for zero emission mobility in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Starting in 2025, Rotterdam is designating its city center as a zero-emissions zone. 

Learn More

How C40 cities are implementing zero emission areas

Zero emissions areas: Why aren’t they everywhere? | World Economic Forum

Zero Emissions Zones: A tool to target benefits of vehicle electrification to communities that need it most - The Greenlining Institute

Can low emissions zones effectively regulate traffic in cities? | Automotive World


For a transcript, please visit https://climatebreak.org/zero-emission-zones-with-rotterdams-arjan-oranje/

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