Jack Horner is a severely dyslexic, dinosaur paleontologist. He attended the University of Montana for 14 semesters without receiving a degree. He has since received two honorary doctorates of science and a plethora of awards including a MacArthur Fellowship. Jack was Curator and Regent’s Professor of Paleontology at Montana State University in Bozeman, Montana for 34 years. He has more than 300 publications. He was the technical advisor for all of the Jurassic Park/ Jurassic World movies. At Chapman University where he now teaches, Jack encourages his honors students and dyslexic mentorees to challenge their preconceived ideas.

"The dinosaur extinction - dinosaurs didn't really have much to say about it. A meteor crashed into the earth and wiped them out. We, on the other hand, are creating quite an extinction right now. And we actually could do something about it, but we're not going to do anything about it because we're just greedy. We always just slough it off to the next generation.

‘They can fix it,’ we say. I'm a war baby, right? I was born in 1946, and by 1964, when I graduated from high school, our generation was going to fix everything. And yet we became the biggest consumers in the history of the world. So we didn't fix anything, we just made a bigger mess. So, I don't think we can leave it up to anybody because everybody wants a piece of the pie."


Horner Science Group

