Gyi & Kelly talk with Erin Levine about how her company, Hello Divorce, uses "freemiums" to build a sales funnel and customer following. While launching Hello Divorce, Erin was re-introduced to the knowledge that marketing from ground zero takes effort, and requires both a process and a plan. 

Erin Levine is the managing attorney of Levine Family Law Group located in Oakland, CA and Founder of “Hello Divorce”, a modern break up service,  offering strategic legal help and wellness support.

Authenticity, effort, understanding the buyer's journey, which allows their firm to attract the type of clients they want to work with.

Hello Divorce uses landing pages, social media, partnership content, and sending the content directly to their network. 

About Page quote: "We take the drama out of divorce."

Erin says "You can't look at law in a vacuum... These are people who are in crisis who have the opportunity to make the next chapter of their lives so much better, and happier, and stronger." 

Outside help: have a non-lawyer check your content for jargon or accessible language. Jennifer Heller - Artsy Geek. Used to use Fiverr and Upwork, now has someone on staff to help with graphic design and webinar slides. 

Partnership with Worthy to help clients sell wedding & engagement rings.

Getting earned media by pitching news organizations.

Using targeted Facebook ads to get webinar attendees. 

Weekly emails, segmented by user group, on a topic of importance to the group. 

Resources: Amy Porterfield podcast is a great resource, Lawyerist podcast, look for resources outside of the legal field. 

Erin has an ethics attorney on retainer and carefully tracks California's marketing and advertising ethics rules. 

Big idea: Creating your services around what people actually want.

Find Erin on @erinlevine, or @hellodivorce 

She is happy to have lawyers sign up for their newsletters and learn what Hello Divorce is doing so successfully.