Spend 25 minutes with Latina intellectual Claudia Milena Zapata Adler and we explore... 

- neocolonialism 

- the fall of the education system 

- self-identity in the current world 

- is "empowerment" a thing or a feeling?


Executive Producer and Host Gaby Van Horn (GabyV)

Associate Producer Liebe Bylos 

Produced and Edited by Crossing the River Studio


Follow Claudia on LinkedIn and Instagram


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business or collab inquiries: [email protected]



00:00 Guest Intro

00:49 Global North Dominance

2:07 'Other Ways are Discredited'

5:52 Business Built on Dependency

8:11 Links in the Same Chain

10:57 Vulnerable Settings, Not People 

14:09 Useless Pursuit

17:29 Colonialism Rebranded

19:35 Charity versus Mutual Aid

20:28 Clever Hybrid in Every Way

Hosted by Gaby Van Horn (GabyV)

Produced and Edited by Cross Gen


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 business or collab inquiries: [email protected]