In today’s Cleanse Heal Ignite episode with Diane Kazer, Warrior Wednesdays to help you become your own best defender! Prepare to be INpowere’ed and INspired.

Today on our Cleanse, Heal, Ignite podcast, we’re diving into some Fast Action steps I am personally making in response to what’s happening in the stars, forecasted timeline shifts and what the crazies ‘pulling the levers’ at the W.H.O. are ‘steering the sheep’ with, regarding the next ‘Plandemic’.

How can we build our OWN pyramid technology to source what God gave us? It’s all right here for our tuning into and collective rising!

My sister friend Zoey and I are traveling through Mexico right now taking action on these forecasts, to leverage the same wisdom the Mayans did in this area, we’re exploring to possibly invest into for Real Estate, considering all that’s going on in the USA.

- What is the ‘end of the age of Kali Yuga’ mean and what it means for us as ‘timeline shift’?
- Does the WHO and other ‘psychos in charge’ use this technology to create dark shifts?
- How can we use this technology to direct it to ‘light shifts’ to benefit us
- SuperHumanism vs Transhumanism. Common law vs CommUNISM…your choice, what’s the difference and how to be the captain of your ship?
- Relocation strategies and using Astrocartography as your guide