Dr Diane's website: DianeKazer.com

Top 10 Toxins Book: DianeKazer.com/TWCFreeModule

Warrior Cleanse Program: Thewarriorcleanse.com

Full Moon Parasite Cleanse: FullMoonParasiteCleanse.com

Diane's 1 on 1 Detox & Heal Partnerships with Clients & Holistic Health Coach Certification: WarriorDetox.com

Killer Breasts Book: KillerBreastsBook.com

Explant Solution: Overcomingbreastimplantillness.com

Apply to Work with the CHI Team/Book a Call with Dr Diane: DianeKazer.com/Call

Dr Garcia’s website:  https://wellbeingtherapyclinic.com/

Supplement Staple Favorites on FullScript: dianekazer.com/StapleFavorites 


In this episode, I answer the #1 question that I get as a Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor: what supplements should I take? I’ve seen everything - from people who refuse to take any supplements at all to someone taking upwards of 15 supplements PER DAY.

This topic can be overwhelming and complicated so I’ve been joined by Dr Garcia today to share the root foundational supplements that we recommend for everyone. These supplements address the issues we see across the board in all of our patients - dangerous deficiencies in magnesium, Vitamin D, Vitamin B, and more. 


We are getting straight to the heart of the matter: 

The exact supplements we recommend

Which ones will actually make a difference

The proper dosage and frequency 

How to incorporate high-quality supplements into your life in a cost-effective way


I cover all the nitty-gritty details on how to purchase the supplements we recommend in the segment from minute 43:17 to 49:25. To find the supplements on FullScript: create an account using the link on Diane’s shop page (dianekazer.com/shop), go to the catalog, and search through the favorites for the option titled “Dr Garcia and Kazer Staple Favorites”. 

Or use this link to find Dr Garcia’s and Dr Diane’s Staple Favorites in FullScript: dianekazer.com/StapleFavorites 

Take your healing journey a step further and dive into my FREE Top 10 Toxins book. In this ebook, I share everything you need to know about the most common nutrient deficiencies the average person is experiencing today due to mineral deficiencies and the toxic burden your body is experiencing on a day-to-day basis. Grab this ebook inside the FREE module zero of The Warrior Cleanse: DianeKazer.com/TWCFreeModule