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In today’s Cleanse Heal Ignite episode with Diane Kazer for Warrior Wednesdays we help you become your own best defender! Prepare to be INpowere’ed and INspired.

Addressing Virology, Toxicity & Pathology to Eradicate all Disease

Join me live for Warrior Wednesday, with guest and CHI Certified Holistic Health Coach, Lisa Mills, as we get to the heart of a range of common patient cases (yes pics included!). We’re giving you the need-to-know details on how to truly eradicate dis-ease and imbalance, so these issues never return.
We’ll share valuable insights, step-by-step plans, and HOPE, with real solutions in a sea of uncertainty and fear-based noise.

Lab Results from real patients and our CHI Holistic Health Ministry therapies

Toxin Binders: What are they and why you need them

Common cases we are seeing in our patients - and their success stories

How viruses are linked directly to parasites and heavy metal toxicity, plus how to stop the EBV, HSV & HPV breakouts!

Best foods to eradicate herpes infection & the offenders that trigger it

How our solutions are offering people true hope as we help people all around the world

An extra special offering exclusively for our VIP Tribe