Diane's website: DianeKazer.com

Warrior Cleanse Program: Thewarriorcleanse.com

Full Moon Parasite Cleanse: FullMoonParasiteCleanse.com

Diane's 1 on 1 Detox & Heal Partnerships with Clients & Holistic Health Coach Certification: WarriorDetox.com

Killer Breasts Book: KillerBreastsBook.com

Explant Solution: Overcomingbreastimplantillness.com

Apply to Work with the CHI Team/Book a Call with Dr Diane: DianeKazer.com/Call


In this episode, I share the top health threats of 2023 and beyond - number 1 being environmental toxins such as forever chemicals. 


What are forever chemicals?

How chronic disease has changed over the last century (these are some crazy statistics!).

The real reason behind why you are sick, stuck, symptomatic, and suffering.

Why more experts aren’t telling us the truth about why you are storing toxins.

How to overcome diseases you may have been told you were stuck with.


Toxicity numbers are exploding. Even the EPA admits that there are now over 100,000 toxic chemicals in our environment (and growing! And a good number of these are in your home). One type of chemical, in particular, is causing major concern in the naturopathic community. 

According to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), PFAS (forever chemicals) can harm our heart, liver, reproductive, and renal systems. It’s impossible to list everything, from an increase in cholesterol levels... increase in blood pressure... especially dangerous in pregnant women, leading to birth defects and dangerous conditions such as pre-eclampsia  ... it’s endless.

Look, even if you’re eating the perfect diet... even if you’ve removed all of the chemicals from your home...

You probably still have a lifetime of toxic buildup that’s weakening your body drop by drop, day after day. In today's environment, toxins are unavoidable.

I’ve seen a lot of horror stories lately...rather than scare you...I would rather aware you that: DAILY DETOX IS VITAL FOR SURVIVAL as well as boosting your beauty, energy and immunity.

Watch this episode to learn more about these nasty forever chemicals and how to support your body and reduce the impact they have on your hormones, gut, brain and more.

Oh before I leave you, here IS the solution.

My answer = Get tested. I’ll send you a urine test (we ship globally), you send that back to our lab and within a month we have your answers and I have you on a kick-ass detox protocol so you can start healing your gut, hormones, brain and everything!  If you’d like to chat about that, book a call: dianekazer.com/call

If you don’t want to do that, then at LEAST learn what forever chemicals are, where you’re exposed to them (I teach this in my VIP group - join us at dianekazer.com/VIP - and how to detox them from your body (HINT: This is tricky, hence why I made this video)