Diane's website: DianeKazer.com

Get the First Module of The Warrior Cleanse FREE: https://dianekazer.com/warrior-cleanse-free-module/

Warrior Cleanse Program: Thewarriorcleanse.com

Full Moon Parasite Cleanse: dianekazer.com/full-moon-parasite-cleanse

Diane's 1 on 1 Detox & Heal Partnerships with Clients & Holistic Health Coach Certification: WarriorDetox.com

Killer Breasts Book: KillerBreastsBook.com

Explant Solution: Overcomingbreastimplantillness.com


Debra Silverman’s Inner View: A Discovery of YourSELF Through The Stars. It’s a self-paced foundational Astrology course featuring Debra’s bite-sized teachings via video material, a workbook, and homework to help you learn the language of Astrology and apply it as medicine to all parts of your life. This course is a shortcut toward self love in a very direct and efficient way. Students who've gone through the course report having more compassion, authenticity and motivation toward their purpose.

Discover yourSELF here: https://debrasilverman.samcart.com/referral/1r3UZ1VU/M0l6Gh40IJCYc4uL


“We have to hurt in order to heal. I figure out where you’re hurting, I dive in and describe it by your chart, and then give you the ladder - up, out, and then free!” - Debra Silverman

Astrology gets a lot of hate from the mainstream world. So much so that our podcast guest today, Debra Silverman, named her own podcast show the “I don’t believe in Astrology” podcast. If you can’t beat em, join em right? And believe it or not - she was once a major skeptic before she learned the truth about astrology! 

Debra’s journey from skeptic to astrologer expert makes her stand out in the crowd - I guarantee she’s completely different from any astrologer you’ve ever met. She takes a unique approach to combining your astrological chart (a map of where the stars were in the sky at the very minute you were born) with her knowledge of psychology to empower you to see how perfect you already are. You came to Earth with your unique personality for a very specific reason - and God did not make any mistakes! In this episode, you will learn how to understand your pain points and how to take the high road and turn your pain into your superpower.


In this episode we discuss:

Learning the high road and the low road of the human nature impulse in your natal chart so you can thrive in your element

Recognizing how your unconscious patterns are influencing your life experience 

Reframing your perspective about your own quirks and understanding their divine design

What it means to be the observer and how this is the key to stepping into your power in personal relationships

The natural elements and astrology - how are they connected

The relationship between astrology and climate change


About Debra Silverman: 

Astrologer, psychotherapist, and spiritual guide Debra Silverman is here to bring hope to those experiencing collective pain. With a climate crisis standing in the foreground, she brings her wisdom of the elements and astrology to the table to uncover solutions for our times. She is the author of The Missing Element: Inspiring Compassion for the Human Condition (Findhorn Press), and is the founder of a school that has trained more than 4,000 people in astrology. Debra is also the host of The I Don’t Believe in Astrology Podcast.

Debra Silverman is madly in love with Astrology. Where once she was a skeptic, she now believes the wisdom of Astrology is an undeniable, dependable, and healing balm for society as we face post-pandemic life and a climate crisis. For Silverman, Astrology is medicine. 

While there is no “one size fits all” approach, Debra Silverman has developed a unique psychological-spiritual model. She connects with each person she practices with on a deeper level in order to empower them to their full potential.