If you are ready to face your health and start on the journey towards healing your mind and body, join us for the next Warrior Detox starting Aug 3rd.

In our most recent Warrior Detox program, we had 25 women graduate, many with miraculous results. It’s hard to describe the sacred and deep work we do in these groups we lead, yet the best way I can put it into words is: We help women achieve the things they go to doctors hoping to find, fix, heal, accomplish...yet are mislead, misguided and misinformed. After years of searching for answers from health professionals that are not equipped, trained or passionate about offering or resolving, women find us right when they are ready to break free from the symptoms they once though they were stuck with for life.

The work we offer at the CHI Holistic Health Institute through the Warrior and Explant Detox is lasting, life long and liberating. We teach you how to attain AND retain results by focusing on the multiple pillars that entail true wellness so you can easily and effectively optimize your beauty, energy and immunity.

That’s how these 25+ women who graduated the most recent Warrior Detox with Diane and the CHI team felt.

In these 2 episodes, listen in as Diane Kazer and Jess Doncses share many of the “ah-ha” moments they had when diving deep with a few clients who weren’t feeling much difference spending tons of money on other labs with doctors, specialists and therapists.

Diane and Jess are both Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioners, specializing in Hormone Balance, Gut Healing, Emotional Trauma clearing and Cellular Detoxification utilizing Holistic Health principles, and Functional Medicine labs. They truly GET labs and how to get straight to which labs are a waste of money vs which are vital, which diets are the best for each person, the order and structure of detox customized to each client, supplement/detox healing phases and more…


Story #1: Beck struggled with debilitating anxiety that no one could figure out. It was so bad, she was unable to leave the house for fear, she would have a panic attack. After working with her for just a few months, her anxiety is GONE, she’s off all her medications and she has been celebrating with friends in multiple outings per day.

SUCCESS Story #2: How one client got widely different results from their primary care GI doctor (negative test) vs the actual life saving results on the lab we ran (positive for a nasty infection). If she just relied on her doctor that said her results were ‘normal’, she would have missed out on learning the KEY root cause for why she was so sick...which might have very likely morphed into stomach cancer.

SUCCESS Story #3: How these results on Advanced Leaky Gut testing can mimic Lyme disease and Mold, which NO doctor had ever tested on her before. Finally after 15 years of being diagnosed improperly, we discovered the real reason she was having Lyme symptoms that were not resolving with Lyme protocols (which almost killed her)

SUCCESS Story #4: One of our clients was able to completely get off of all of her thyroid medications. Turns out her doctors weren’t testing her properly and when we treated the root cause, she didn’t need them anymore...Learn how to properly test your thyroid and how Western medicine doctors miss these markers entirely (every time)

SUCCESS Story #5: Which are the best Detox binders … and are you taking the right ones for YOUR detox needs? Learn how to eliminate toxins the RIGHT way and how one of our clients who was having miraculous results experienced a huge set back simply from running out of this one Detox product we use with clients that’s a GAME changer in our Detox protocols, that 98% of people aren’t incorporating in theirs.


How low vibrational family and friends can hurt you and halt your healing path...parasitic people in your life = we often see parasites on your labs. These suck the life out of you and drain your energy, and are one of the root pathogens for Thyroid and autoimmune disease today.

The wisdom in triggers and why resolving hidden emotional trauma is paramount to miraculous healing recoveries. Mindset is important but you can’t change your mind without healing traumas blindsiding you)

...and so much more!

We are truly on a mission to reinvent the way women heal, rise and get their lives back (and more) by building a new reality for medicine, starting from within. There is nothing else like this in the world and take every woman’s dreams as seriously as she.


Follow Diane on Mighty Networks (Truth Tribe) | Brighteon | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube  Diane's website: www.dianekazer.com Diane’s Detox Program:  www.warriordetox.com Diane’s Explant Program:  www.explantdetox.com Killer Breasts Book: https://www.dianekazer.com/killer-breasts Explant Solution: https://www.overcomingbreastimplantillness.com Apply to work with Diane and the CHI team 1 on 1:  www.dianekazer.com/call Check out Diane’s Cleanse, Heal, Ignite supplement line https://dianekazer.com/supplement-store/


Watch Diane’s MasterClass & Get to the Root of Hormone, Auto-Immune and Breast Implant Illness Symptoms Take Diane’s Neurotoxic quiz & get your FREE Custom Detox Protocol - Are Toxins the Root Cause of your Symptoms? Are Toxins the Root Cause of your Symptoms ebook The Toxic Truth about Breast Implants ebook