Have you ever thought about being a public speaker? Public speaking is one of the number one biggest fears in the world. I want to share with you a fun, fun friend of mine named Robbe Richman, who just rocked the stage the very first time I saw him speak and I thought, "I have to know this guy." 

Robbe Richman has really contributed to the culture of the shoe company named Zappos. In fact, he actually has created a whole book and system around this that has helped him get paid tens of thousands of dollars just for stepping on stage for a half an hour. 

If you've ever thought about inspiring people, I have a lot of people coming to me saying,

 "I really want to help people, I want to influence them, and I want to inspire and uplift them." There's a way to do this, and Robbie has a very, very authentic, fun, humorous way of sharing it, you feel like it's you. Can you imagine just jumping on stage feeling like you're just being yourself surrounded by thousands, if not tens of thousands, of people that you really, really enjoy looking into the eyes of and connecting with their hearts and their souls and their minds all at the same time.

This was born because I actually have been invited to do a huge series on a media company for toxic beauty called Dying to Beautiful. I said, "Oh, my God. I want to make sure I do this right so that I can really help people," and not just speak from my perspective, but also to help people see things from their own.

In this Episode:

CAPTURE, MOVE, and INSPIRE others! How to make people feel like they’re the only one in the room. My own strengths and weaknesses in public speaking- and how I’m fixing them The difference between AUTHENTICITY and VULNERABILITY


“So much of communication happens beyond the words. The content isn’t actually as important as the delivery.”  [14:10]

“I think being authentic is talking about what’s important for you and what’s coming up for you.’ [38:20]

“What I keep in the back of my mind is that people will tune out in a second.They want to get it digestible, they want to get it quick, we want it to have some oomph and some impact. So, deliver.”
