Today on the Cleanse, Heal, Ignite Podcast, Kylen Ribeiro, of DefenderShield and author of Radiation Nation talk about a serious threat to human health, future generations and all life on earth.  Here are some of the questions we’ll cover, to clear up some of the confusion on 5G and the potential damage EMF and and Radiation waves cause:

 In this episode

1. What is EMF and where does it come from? 2. How does EMF damage the human body? 3. What physical symptoms might one experience as a result of EMF exposure? 4. What kinds of disease and hormone related symptoms are associated with EMF exposure? 5. What are some ways we can protect ourselves and our families from the effects of EMF?

...You just might be surprised at what you'll hear. 

5G is HERE and you might be surprised to hear that not ONE study has been done to validate it’s safety.  As a trained and experienced EMF Certified Health practitioner, I am finding many of my clients symptoms resolve when they cleanse themselves of the fields Smart devices emit.

CLICK HERE for 20% off of your total order on Defender Shield Products use Coupon Code - Warrior20

Contrary to the brainwashing of constant TV and media commercials, 5G isn't as good of an idea as 'high speed internet'...unfortunately it could also mean 'high speed disease, infertility, extreme fatigue and pain' for many of us.

An important listen!

Please ask questions, share, tag EVERYWHERE.

Be sure to SHARE this article on your social media channel and TAG me ‘Diane Kazer Wellness’ on Facebook or ‘Hormone Warrior Diane’ on Instagram to be Entered to win an EMF Protecting Prize valued at $75!  


“More than 20% of the population has hypersensitivity, electromagnetic hypersensitivity, and it’s growing.” [00:01]

“Well, the fact was, when I began realizing what was going on I realized I’m not a victim. I can take actions the help protect my and my family by doing simple things around the house and minimizing dangers.” [24:19]

“If you use a cell phone for three minutes and you put it down, don’t worry. You’re gonna be fine. If you go a long period of time, that’s when you start worrying. So, simple use of knowing where stuff is and where it needs to be to be safe. When it’s right up against your head that’s 100% dangerous to you. When you have it one foot away 80% of the danger is gone. By four foot 98%. What does that mean? It means move it away from you and you’ll be perfectly fine!” [39:55]

One of my friends posted this on Facebook the other day and tagged me.

“Did you know a 5G policy was just signed yesterday in the U.S to ensure the rapid roll out of this technology? While kids are at home they are installing towers at schools. This is a video everyone needs to watch.

Thank you Diane Kazer for sharing THIS VIDEO. Thank you Nathaniel Solace and Ronnie Landis for also sharing your findings here on FB.

Though 5G will give us faster wifi speeds, the environmental and health repercussions are beyond devastating.

I share this, not to instigate more fear, but to help everyone become more aware of what is happening behind our backs while the media focuses only on the CoronaVirus.

It’s time to wake up my loves! ❤️🙏🏼🌍”

To which I responded:

“I was JUST looking for this today. Thank you for reposting it. I'm most concerned about this over the 'viral' threat. See my comments below for more should anyone need further explanation for how 5G is not the single threat but an ingredient in the combination that is”

This only spawned even more replies causing this to happen:

"I'm just hearing the most ridiculous conspiracy theories and we're completely ignoring the millions of doctors and scientists who have dedicated their entire lives to studying this and blindly believing unqualified untrained internet people.”

Ahem...doctors and scientists?  

Hey dude...did you know that NO ONE has studied nor verified the safety of 5G?

My question to him and us ALL?  

WHY do we blindly trust and dangerously assume that just because it’s being put out for use, and marketed as the most amazing invention of the century, that it’s SAFE?

We realllllly need to wake up to this belief that approval for use = safety!

Take it from me, who got super sick on FDA approved Breast implants, Botox and hair dye...most of which contain high levels of heavy metals that act as an antenna for EMF/EMR wavelengths.  

Allow me to elaborate, which is what I replied to ‘Rude Skeptic’

“I understand your skepticism, it's hard to believe. I am EMF/EMR sensitive myself. 20% of people are also. And of that 80% are women. I suffer greatly when I'm around these microwaves. This radiation technology is killing our underwater marine life. Through my own symptom resolve, I developed passion to help others. I am a professionally trained functional diagnostic nutrition health practitioner certified in EMF and radiation frequency and the impact that it has on humans and nature.

I have witnessed newborns having seizures who were loaded with heavy metals and toxicity, which attract radiation waves to the body and cause severe damage and harm. This is NOT taught to the 'millions of doctors and scientists' you refer to, hence the problem. I watched a newborn baby client of mine nearly DIE from exposure to these toxic frequencies that damage our cells and destroy our ability to fight off immune threats, and saved her life with her mother, where allopathic medicine not only did not help, they poisoned her further. When we shortened the 'technology distancing' from this baby girl and these 'Smart Devices', ipads, computers, wifi, TV's and more, this little girl experienced a miracle and her seizures stopped. And is one of the many cases I have witnessed to heal from ailments that were otherwise 'mysterious' to these millions of doctors. Amber Sears is a life saver and a game changer for sharing this info they don't want us to see.

How much more proof do you need than this video linked above? If it's to experience your own suffering and symptoms, then so be it. But I will not let you discredit my friend nor this awakening movement as 'conspiracy'. Until you're on the front line of seeing people suffer for reasons that are not 'mainstream' you have no experiential voice from which to speak. You can either blindly trust trained professionals who have no interest in ending chronic disease through preventative medicine and lifestyle improvements, or you can blindly trust those who are known to end chronic disease. I know who I trust”.

HIS RESPONSE: "Yes I'll blindly trust you instead. Sorry for your psychosomatic symptoms".

Wow, got empathy? I totally understand being skeptical, hey I am one!  But...

‘Rude skeptics’ like that are not rational and too closed minded for an adult conversation, so I just send love and leave them be. I learned the lesson a long time ago (ok maybe last year) that it’s not my job to save or warn others, and it’s also respectful to allow others to have their own opinion. 

That’s just as powerful a lesson as ‘5G and excess EMF/EMR exposure are proven to be hazardous to your health’.  Don’t you love simultaneous emotional and physical growth?

The deadly combo...

Here's the toxic and extremely dangerous recipe. 

Nanoparticles + heavy metals + EMF/EMR = cell death which release viral load into the body…

...according to several researchers and doctors. You can watch that video HERE titled: ‘Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D. hypothesizes that CV may be history repeating itself and caused by 5G’ 

When I had my breast implants (filled with many heavy metals that were leaking through my body), I was extremely EMF/EMR sensitive and felt electro shocks all over my body, specifically across my chest, which is scary when it's over your heart. Since I removed my breast implants, this no longer occurs. The level of heavy metals we are not only exposed to but soon may be mandated to consume in the form of an 'inoculation' are a major threat to this 5G passing because there are nanoparticles in the shots. Which are an attractor of EMF/EMR. The 2 biggest pushes right now is this combo. 

Please ask questions, share, tag EVERYWHERE...the safety of our children and future generations are at risk, if we don’t wake up to this and protect them!


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Possible 5G Tower Next To School Is Removed After 4 Young Elementery Students Develop Cancer - Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D. hypothesizes that Coronavirus may be history repeating itself and caused by 5G - DefenderShield - for 20% off use Coupon Code - Warrior20


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