In this episode of Clay's Cortex Podcast Curtis will talk about the link between knowledge and imagination.

This topic came from the Albert Einstein quote, ' Imagination is more important than Knowledge.'  

Knowledge is crucial when it comes to working with clients, you need to know about muscles, joints, exercise technique, etc. As exercise professionals we have to retain a lot of information and apply it with our clients in a effective manner.


Imagination... can be a powerful tool when used and applied with knowledge. - Knowledge is the seed of imagination to grow. - The more knowledge you gather the more your imagination can grow. With exercise their are procedures not protocols.

Many trainers gather some knowledge and they think they are done with their journey of pursing knowledge. But on the flip side their imagination and bias take over to create a box that seals them in a small box that doesn’t allow them to grow and expand the box.

Give this episode a listen to if you are a trainer, strength coach, or exercise professional that is hungry for knowledge then give this episode a listen.  

Enjoy the episode & Let's keep the discussion going by liking the episode, commenting or even sharing!


Links are below for the plethora of options to absorb information.  

Clay’s Cortex (Website) - ‪‬ .

(Also on I-Tunes : Clays Cortex) .

Clay's Cortex Podcast (Youtube) - ‪‬ .

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