This seems to be a very hot topic right now and with that being said I get asked about this at least one time per week.
The more is better is not always the case especially when it comes to the body.
We have heard it takes 10,000 hours to perfect a skill, or become a master of your craft. When should that 10,000 hours start? How long should the journey take from start to finish?
In this episode Curtis talk about his perspective when it comes to youth sports and will go over things to think about if you/ your family and your son or daughter are about dive into this route.
The pro's and con's or the risk to benefit will be covered in this episode of Clay's Cortex Podcast.
This will be a introduction into E13, so I guess you can say this is a 2 part with this being part 1.
I hope this episode will help you as a athlete or as a parent to make a decision for the long term instead of the short term. Take a marathon mentality not a 100m dash approach.
Articles and books covering this topic and what was the tipping of the scale when it came to talk about this episode.

+ Parents Should Limit Sports Participation for Children, Trainers Say (NY Times)
+Dr. James Andrews, on preventing youth sports injuries: Take time off, don't specialize
+ Talent Code - Daniel Coyle
+ Dr. Andrews Book
Links are below for the plethora of options to absorb information.
Clay’s Cortex (YouTube) -
Clay’s Cortex (Website) -
Clay’s Cortex (PodBean) -
(Also on I-Tunes : Clays Cortex)
Instagram - clayscortex
[email protected]