Three simple laws will change the way you think about food, whether you're keto, vegan, plant-based, carnivore, paleo, or anything in between.

There's a lot of conflicting information out there about what you should be eating. Never before has there been so much knowledge so readily available to so many different people about food. And never before have we had such tremendous accessibility to a seemingly endless variety of foods. But, on the other hand, never before have we seen so much chronic disease, and so much agricultural and chemical manipulation of food. Changing your diet can change your health and your life; but how do we know which changes to make? Starting with the three basic laws that any diet needs to abide by in order to be healthy, Dr. James Mohebali takes us through some very practical, simple steps that you can start using TODAY to change your diet and change your life.

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Excellent & Authentic Chinese Cookbooks
Fuschia Dunlop's "Every Grain of Rice: Simple Chinese Home Cooking"
Eileen Yin-Fei Lo's "Mastering the Art of Chinese Cooking"

Persian New Year Sabzeh —
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Music Credit:
"Let Yourself Be Huge" - Cloudkicker (under Creative Commons License)

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