Epistemology is more than a four letter word! How does the WAY we seek truth influence how we see our bodies, and our health?

In an age where science is constantly overturning what we thought we knew about the body, and new theories come out every day trying to explain new phenomena, one theory remains unchallenged. Since 1628, when Harvey published his seminal text on the circulation of blood, we have believed more or less the same thing about the heart. But what if the heart isn't a pump at all? And what if it's time that we update Harvey's ideas? In this installment, Dr. James Mohebali goes to the "heart" of the issue, and examines how our underlying beliefs about what it means to be human can color our understanding of the medicine we use. We take a stroll through epistemology, and see how the seemingly simple question of "how do we know what we know" can completely upend our relationship with our own bodies and with one another. Touching on quantum physics, imaginary plants, Chinese family altars, our relationship to scripture and our ancestors, reiki, biofield therapy, and more, we discover that there's a LOT more at stake in the "heart" question than just what a particular muscle is doing inside your chest.

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Vivisection Video — https://youtu.be/n6sTWOU5d6M?t=246
"Classic of Difficulties" on Acupuncture Channels & Scripture (clip from Ep. 3) — https://youtu.be/W2aMndaLqEE
"Classic of Difficulties" Ep. 3 Full — https://youtu.be/uRyUKpB6-gw

"Parallel Botany" by Leo Lionni — https://amzn.to/3gSk1Yf

Flexner Report (PDF) — https://archive.org/details/carnegieflexnerreport
Flexner Report (Print & Kindle) — https://amzn.to/3aOdbPF

Overview of Protagoras' Life and Philosophy — https://iep.utm.edu/protagor/
Plato's "Protagoras", where he disproves Protagoras (Print) — https://amzn.to/3aOdbPF
Plato's "Protagoras" (html) — http://classics.mit.edu/Plato/protagoras.html

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Music Credit:
"Let Yourself Be Huge" - Cloudkicker (under Creative Commons License)

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