This episode is a bit longer but Melanie is just too interesting and inspiring so I didn't want to cut much out!

Melanie is the founder of Oceans 8 Brighton a collaboration of projects in Brighton and Hove working to reduce marine debris.  The co-founder of the Green Centre, the country's first community recycling hub and a platform for learning about One Planet Living.  She was also a special needs school Head Teacher and an Asian Tsunami survivor.  If that isn't enough, she also launched the most successful school uniform fundraiser ever in aid of Unicef, raising £57k for water pumps in Sudan in its first year!  WOW!   

There is a phrase that goes something like 'you are not what happens to you, but how you deal with those things'.  Melanie proves that it doesn't matter what life throws at you, by slowing down, consuming less and sharing more you can achieve HUGE things.

She shares her wisdom on building up a super successful community recycling centre from scratch.  Her take on the stories she learnt about every day stuff and how we could live more harmoniously with our planet.  For the hippies among you, we also touch on the amazing things that happen when you sit back and TRUST!

Mel is one of the most humble, yet incredible people you will ever come across.  I know you will be inspired and want to learn more about the stories she has to tell.  You can do so by subscribing to the Green Centre facebook page as she shares her thoughts every Monday.  Some fascinating things to learn and another person whose brain I would totally download if that was a thing.

Grab a cuppa, a comfy seat and a note book and enjoy.

My Blog interview with Melanie

The Green Centre Website

Green Centre Facebook

Podcast edited by Chloe Aust