
This last week with all of our grandkids here, it really reminded me of the reason I do what I do!  On Friday after having a fish fry the night before with my parents, kids, and all the grandkids,I had to think……what day is it? Our closest Grandkids are 30 minutes away with the others about 1.5 hours away, so because we don’t live really close, it doesn’t always happen that we have everyone here for most of the week or for dinner on the weekdays, but it sure was fun! I have always loved being able to be flexible, but when my husband and I worked full time, there was little flexibility and we wouldn’t be able to take all the kids and get to all their events during the week if we hadn’t chosen this different path. This week the kids had fun ice skating and our 6 year old was so excited she was able to skate and do twirls instead of shuffling behind a chair, they went snowmobiling, sledding, ziplining, helped with the goats and chickens, went to a homeschool valentine’s party, baked with us and it was another week of memories. We sure cherish all the time we get with our Grandkids and family.  You can’t ever take back these days and we have never regretted raising our own kids and I am so so forever grateful to be able to help out whenever we are needed with Grandkids too!


This got me thinking about you.  Do you have joy in your everyday life or are you rushing through every day just wishing for more peace and time to enjoy life? Are you wishing you could slow down and live a simpler life?  Do you want to be able to be at home and raise your own kids or be available for grandkids?  What is holding you back?  Is it finances?  Do you just have too much debt to ever think about living on one income?  If this is your reason, I want you to take a good look at your situation and where you can make some changes.  When you think about possessions, remember Proverbs 22:7 - The rich rule over the poor and the borrower is slave to the lender. With debt - you are a slave-what does that mean to you?  I realize each and every one of you are in a different situation, but if God has put this calling in your heart to live a simpler life, He will help you.  You do have to do the work, but don’t forget that anything is possible with God. 


Sometimes you have to make a different career choice-there has never been a better time to work from home or start a side hustle to replace your full time income.  With the internet, you can reach people with your gifts all around the world!  You have to think out of the box!  You may  feel stuck in your job because you spent alot of money and time in college doing what you do, but you don’t love it or it is stressful.  I want you to remember, you have choices! 


 You may be doing what you do because you feel the need to keep up with friends but you are exhausted and you are not loving what you do.  Start looking inside yourself and take the time to think about what really matters to you.  Is it making memories or is it having the top of the line material items.  You can’t take any of that to heaven with you, so why are you burning the candle at both ends just trying to keep up?  You can only do that so long!

I would love for you to email me at [email protected] and tell me where you are struggling and what I can help you with - I also have a few 15 minute discovery calls left this month to help you get started on your simple living path because it is so rewarding and I don’t think it is something you will ever regret.  Whether you want to start saving money, learn about raising your own food or just learn how to make simple food from scratch or your own non toxic household products, I can help you.  Shoot me a message-I would be happy to help you if I can!


There really is nothing so special as being able to make memories.  If I die tomorrow, I sure hope that my Grandkids learn enough from me to grow deep in their faith as they grow up because I believe that in the times we are living now, that they need to be equipped and strong in their faith with all that is thrown at them. Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.  Think about your own walk….are you growing in your faith so that your cup can overflow into others while you are making memories?  I think this is so important!  


Are you ready to make a change this year or are you going to continue to live as you are right now?  I want you to live this abundant life God has for us.

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You Tube -> https://www.youtube.com/@claimingsimplicity/ 


Until next time-Be Blessed!
