Hey Friend!

Here is a very simple solution to eliminating the pesky fruit flies when you have so much produce sitting around while you are harvesting and preserving.  I was out in the dark after a volleyball game for my kids last night trying to gather all the tomatoes as we had our first frost, so I have a ton of produce in my kitchen as I can only do so much at a time and those darn fruit flies seem to come into the house as well, so I just wanted to pass on this simple and easyt tip to get rid of them because I don’t know about you, but I sure don’t like them in my house!


First, you will put a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into a little mug or cup-I like to use one we don’t drink out of! Then you will add a drop of dishsoap and then I use the kitchen sink sprayer to make a little layer of bubbles.  The fruit flies come to the cup for the apple cider vinegar and then they get caught in the bubbles and when the bubbles go away, you will see them in the bottom of the cup. I keep this near my sink and usually once or twice a day, when the bubbles lessen, i just give it a little squirt to make more bubbles.  This is a fantastic tip and it is quite satisfying when you see how many are in the bottom of your cup!


I just wanted to share this with you if you have never heard of it before because I have been doing this for years and anytime I have produce on my cupboards, I like to have a cup out and ready for the fruit flies!


Happy Harvesting!

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