Hello Friend

I grew up with an amazingly crafty mom-she can make anything out of anything!  My siblings and I always won first prize at every Halloween event because her costumes were always homemade and original.  For instance, I was an elephant one year and she made the head out of a gray piece of carpet!  It was cute and I have never seen anything like it, but all 4 of us kids always had the best costumes every year because my mom loved making them!

I will be honest though….after having kids, halloween was a dreaded holiday-probably mostly because my brain doesn’t work like that and I am not that imaginative.  I couldn’t buy any store boughten cheaply made costumes because of having such great costumes growing up, and I couldn’t make them because I have very limited sewing abilities. 

Here was my solution….I would look for items on clearance after halloween of wigs and accessories or find items all year long at thrift shops and I would keep rubbermaid bins with the items in so that when Halloween came around, my kids had a variety of items to choose from.  They aren’t always original, but it beat the scramble of getting an outfit before Halloween and also, the kids enjoyed putting together things that they wanted.

I suggest you make a bin or 2 for halloween and gather items after Halloween this year when they are clearanced and then start looking throughout the year on swap and shops or thrift stores for fun items you can add to the bin!


I hope this helps you to have less stress with Halloween for years to come!


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Have a great week!
