Hey Friend!

I thought you might enjoy this quick episode because I just found some mums recently that have been chewed on and I realized I need to do this again!  

I do have a fenced in vegetable garden, but I have several other areas on our property that have flower beds, pots, and the riverbank that has alot of flowers and this works wonders to keep the rabbits, deer and most animals away from.  I learned this tip from a neighbor who I thought was a gardening goddess.  She has gardened for many many years and had alot of great tips!

In the Spring when my plants just pop through the ground, I will sprinkle a very small amount of blood meal on them-like a tablespoon or so on each plant  and it keeps anything that likes to chew on my plants away.  I like to do this mid summer too just in case the rain washes it all away which must be what happened to the few flowers that got munched on this week most likely by the deer. So glad it was only a few because I love those purple colors in the Fall.  The best part about this is that it is a natural fertilizer as well and good for your plants, so I would encourage you to try this if you are having problems with rabbits and deer nibbling at your plants or flowers and do it right away in the spring!

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Enjoy your week!
