If you are planning on raising chickens, this episode will give you some important information about them to give you peace of mind as a busy overwhelmed mom because I know…..it is just one more thing to take care of!


Really, truely caring for chickens can be simple.  Caring for chickens involves providing for their basic needs including food, water, shelte and you are going to want to do your research before you get some!  I want you to come away from this episode today feeling confident that you can raise your own backyard chickens and it is not difficult.


I would really suggest that you find someone that is selling or giving away  larger chickens if you are just getting started.  There is just a little bit more work to raising baby chicks that are just hatched.  We have gotten several chickens from different people that were moving and giving them away or they were selling some to reduce their flock and this was nice for us when we got started even though they were not all laying anymore, they still took care of the bugs in the yard which I appreciate!  And they really are so fun to have around!


Chickens are not needy at all-Keep them fed and watered and they will be fine!  If you are going to be gone for a few days, they will be ok as long as they have access to both.  We don’t feel tied down with chickens, we can still go away for a couple days and not worry a bit about them unlike other animals,  but if we do go away longer than that, we will have someone come over every few days and make sure they have water and feed.


It is simple to raise chickens and they don’t take much time out of your day to care for at all!  Keep them fed and watered and gather eggs!  Every once in a while you will have some chickens picking on other ones, so you might have to deal with that, but really, for the most part, they are super simple!


I can’t wait for you to get started!  I have one more episode coming that I will give you everything you need to start raising chickens so you can get started right away!



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