Hey Friend!

There are so many many things to do when you homestead, but with a plan, it will seem alot easier to get your projects around your homestead done. 

First, Make a master list of all the things you want to do in the future.  This may be adding some animals, growing a garden or adding to it, building a shed, shelter or shed, fencing, getting a freeze dryer, putting in a wood boiler and the list goes on and one.  This could be a very huge list that you can do over several years-this is not a list you will accomplish this year.

Next, look at your finances and see how much money you have to spend on projects and also how much time you have to devote to something new.  

After you know how much you have to spend and how much time you have, look through your projects and see where you want to start or what you want to get done this year.  Once you break down the projects into smaller chunks, it won't seem so overwhelming.  

This Year we want to make a chicken tractor to raise about 60 meat chickens.  Add more potatoes/squash to our garden as we are almost out of both of them and it is only January!  We also want to add a separate strawberry garden along with some other garden additions.  We also plan to breed our goats in the Fall, so we want to finish the goat shed with a milking stand and get pens ready for babies Spring of 2024!!!  I’m so excited about that!  We will probably add a few more fruit trees and another small insulated shed for more animals and we would possible like to try to raise a few pigs to butcher which we have never done before, so this all seems very doable to us and not overwhelming even though we really have a very short season here to get it all done in!

The biggest key is taking it slow so you don’t overwhelm yourself.  It is not worth being stressed out because you won’t enjoy the journey as much.  I really don’t think there is a destination in homesteading because you can always do something new, so enjoy every minute of it.

As far as harvesting, I want to preserve more ready cooked meals this year, so when we have ballgames and activities, we can have a healthy homegrown meal right out of the jar.  Some of those would be stew and soups that I would like to make more of.

Homesteading does not have to be hard.  Growing your own food doesn’t have to be hard.  Cooking traditional nutrient dense food does not have to be hard.  I am here to tell you that everything I do is simple-I wouldn’t say it is always easy because you will have a learning curve, but it is simple and if I can do it, you can too!

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Remember~Rome wasn't built in a day!!!!!!!  
